2024 Impact Report

Learn about the ways MRC advocated for veterans and their families, and brought awareness to top issues important to them.

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Our Mission

Mission Roll Call is a nonpartisan, veteran-led movement dedicated to amplifying the voices of America’s veterans and their families across the nation. Representing a diverse and resilient demographic of millions of veterans and their families nationwide, we advocate on behalf of veterans in local communities and the halls of the Capitol to ensure greater representation on the issues that matter most and have a real impact on their lives.

Raising Awareness

1M responses Mission Roll Call sends out weekly polls to our community of veterans and families. We’ve received nearly 1M responses on issues that matter most to them.

94% 94% of respondents have someone in their circle who has served in the military, highlighting the widespread impact of military service on families and communities.

148 million people In 2024, your voice was featured in 42 unique stories nationwide, which were also picked up and republished by 695 media outlets reaching an estimated audience of 148 million people.

$2 Billion Since its passage in 2022, the VA has delivered nearly $2 billion in earned Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act benefits to veterans and survivors.

2025 Plans and Priorities

In 2025, we’re expanding our veteran outreach, social media presence, and media coverage to spotlight the issues impacting veterans and their families the most. We’ll share more member stories to bring a personal face to these challenges and aim to amplify veteran voices by increasing engagement with Mission Roll Call – online, in person, and through polls.

Our priorities continue to be guided by veterans’ voices and their stories to drive our efforts and create meaningful policy change. This year, veterans voted on their top four priorities for 2025:

  • Improving Healthcare Quality and Access, Including in Underserved Communities (73.6%)
  • Ending Veteran Suicide (72.8%)
  • Supporting Veteran Housing and Combatting Homelessness (72.1%)
  • Providing Food and Financial Security (41.1%)

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