Mission Roll Call: In the Media – 12/22/21-12/23/21

Cole Lyle joins David Webb to discuss how Holidays are the worst times for veteran suicide and how Mission Roll’s involvement is key to helping vets. Everyone wants to help veterans but are not quite sure how to. The primary idea that people must remember is that only communities can care for veterans.
Mandy Connell Show with Cole Lyle – Vets Need Love – December 23, 2021
Mandy and Cole discuss the challenges that veterans face as they navigate the system and how Mission Roll Call seeks to meet their needs. Cole’s interview starts at minute 56:58 and goes until 1:12:24.
This time of year can be extremely challenging for veterans. Last year, suicides among veterans increased 25 percent during the final quarter of the year. Experts fear that years to come could be worse unless immediate action is taken.
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