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Starting a Business Poll

When you left military service, did you ever consider starting your own business?

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Veteran Community Service Poll

One of the best ways to feel connected is to continue to serve your local community. How often do you volunteer in your local community?

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Veteran HSA Poll

Currently, veterans who receive healthcare exclusively from VA are not eligible for a health savings account (HSA) unless they have private health insurance. Would you support veterans having access to an HSA without having to pay for private health insurance outside of their VA coverage?

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Agree with current policy
Congress should change the law

FBI Firearms List

Per the Brady Act of 1993, if the VA appoints a third party to manage a veteran's VA compensation, the agency must refer that veteran to an FBI firearms list. This restricts the veteran's ability to purchase a firearm. The VA is the only federal agency that does this without due process in court. Do you agree with the current policy or should Congress change the law to protect due process?

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