Mental & Health Benefits

Despite increased VA funding, veterans still have trouble accessing the healthcare benefits afforded to them.

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Long wait times, backlogs, and a lack of providers specializing in veterans care still plague veterans trying to access health services.

A Deeper Look

The Mission Act of 2018 was aimed at strengthening comprehensive healthcare for veterans. But many veterans still aren’t aware of the benefits available to them, have trouble navigating the complex VA system, receive inadequate mental health support, and have limited access to VA facilities in rural areas.

Gaps in veteran care that need to be addressed, starting with the fact that Less than 50% of veterans are enrolled in the VA. This is why Mission Roll Call is pushing for more funding for community-based nonprofits and businesses that are on the frontlines of veterans’ health services.

Additionally, data from RAND shows that less than half of veterans in need of mental health services receive treatment. Recent legislation, like the 2020 Hannon Act, which expands mental health care options for veterans, is an important step toward supporting veterans’ mental health care needs, but there is still much to be done.

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