The Toolbox of Healing: Ron Pastino’s Journey Through Alternative Treatments

For Ron Pastino, a U.S. Army veteran and retired New York State Police officer, the fight didn’t end with his service. Instead, it shifted to a deeply personal battle against lung disease—a consequence of his heroic efforts as a first responder during 9/11.
Four years after spending seven months at Ground Zero as part of the rescue and recovery efforts, Ron was diagnosed with a severe inflammatory lung disease directly linked to his time on The Pile. Yet through perseverance, innovation, and his “toolbox” approach to healing, Ron crafted a path to recovery that redefined what’s possible.
In 2015, Ron began experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue during his daily runs. Concerned, he visited his doctor, who checked his heart. Those scans looked good, but on the periphery of the imaging, the doctor could see lung nodules. Ron was referred to the top pulmonologist in New York City, who told Ron he had full-blown lung disease and potentially lymphoma. He underwent two surgeries, including one through the side of his chest where ¼ of his lung was removed. They ruled out lymphoma but diagnosed him with the worst case of lung inflammation they had ever seen at Weill Cornell Medicine in NYC.
“I had to retire early,” Ron shared. “Doctors weren’t sure how long I had to live. I went from operating at the tip of the spear to losing my career and fighting just to breathe every day. It was devastating.”
The transition to retirement brought immense challenges. Ron’s health spiraled, and he struggled with post-traumatic stress, brain fog, irritability, and a profound sense of loss. “I went into two years of darkness,” he admitted. “I tried counseling, but it wasn’t enough. The medical world didn’t have many options for me—just prescriptions that weren’t fixing the problem. I knew I had to become my own advocate.”
Ron’s journey to recovery began with seeking out holistic and alternative treatments. He connected with Warrior Wellness Solutions and the Boot Campaign, organizations that introduced him to innovative approaches like brain treatments, HeartMath meditation, and coherence-based practices. “That stuff is awesome,” Ron said. “It’s about getting yourself to a balanced state—physiological and mental. It’s good for anybody.”
Despite some progress, Ron’s health plateaued until he learned about stem cell therapy. Initially skeptical, he eventually decided to give it a try when his breathing worsened. “I felt like it was my last shot at prolonging my life,” he explained. However, stem cell therapy came with a steep price tag. Private insurance, the VA, and the government wouldn’t cover it. Faced with costs of $10,000 to $20,000 per treatment, Ron relied on his law enforcement network and fundraising efforts to access the care he needed.
The results were remarkable. After completing his treatments—first in Mexico and later with “native” stem cells in Los Angeles—Ron experienced a stunning reversal of his lung disease. His CT scans confirmed it. “My pulmonologist was shocked,” Ron recounted. “He asked me how I did it. When I told him it was stem cells and asked if I could say I reversed my lung disease, he said, ‘Ron, amazingly, you can.”
Ron attributes his recovery not to a single treatment but to the combination of many approaches. “I’m a big believer in the toolbox approach to healing,” he emphasized. “Not one treatment is the magic bullet. It’s the combination of several disciplines and treatments that really does it. You have to diversify your healing portfolio, just like in finance.”
Throughout his journey, Ron found an unexpected ally in the VA. “My perspective on the VA here in Albany has been amazing,” he said. “They treat me like gold. The doctors have been open to alternate treatments I wanted to pursue, and there are always appointments available. I actually enjoy going over there—they’re great people.”
Ron’s story highlights the importance of advocacy and exploration. Today, he continues to maintain his health through meditation with Wisdom Dojo, a veteran-focused nonprofit. “Their classes have been incredibly helpful,” he said. “I’ve learned deeper meditation practices that support my mental health, and I take a class once each week.”
Ron’s message to fellow veterans is clear:
- Do research
- Talk with your doctor and the VA
- Advocate for yourself (you deserve it)
- Talk with your network of veterans who have found a treatment that works
- Cross-reference recommendations for legitimacy
He added, “Not every treatment will work for everyone, but there are tools out there. Sometimes, you just need to find the right combination for you. It’s about prevention – so prevent.”
While Mission Roll Call doesn’t endorse specific treatments, we share Ron’s story to remind veterans and their families that there are many paths to healing. Often, these paths are found through resilience, self-advocacy, and a willingness to explore the various options available—from VA services to veteran service organizations.
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